mdg’s communications experts help event and association clients achieve critical objectives – increasing exposure, strengthening media relationships, enhancing brands, building community and driving registration and membership – with the right combination of tools, tactics, technologies and communication channels. Services include strategic planning, the execution of holistic communication strategies, crisis management, storytelling, community relations programs, influencer marketing, charitable initiatives and more.
team leads
Christine Johnson
marketing strategist and content specialist
Julie Franks
director of public relations
Sara Fellows
senior director of social media
our approach
One of our favorite tactics for extending reach beyond a house database is using the power of social influence. We’ve become adept at helping event and association clients identify influencers within their respective industries and then leveraging their content to add credibility and amplify campaign effectiveness.
mdg also develops organic social media plans and monthly content calendars to maintain a consistent flow of social content. Social media posts are thoughtfully optimized to reinforce industry thought leadership, reach new audiences and increase overall brand awareness and registration consideration.
And we never forget about the importance of traditional PR for positioning an event or association as a thought leader and maximizing share of voice. PR starts with strategic vision and encompasses holistic communication strategies, crisis management, storytelling, community relations programs, charitable initiatives and more.
clients served
thought leadership