speaker at event

mdg, A Freeman Company will be hosting an Executive Roundtable on March 7 in Chicago, in conjunction with The Inspired Home Show and the Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority. Content will include a tour and “in progress” case study of The Inspired Home Show with a focus on the association’s “comeback story” after having to cancel two shows in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will also feature case studies from top executives at RSNA and International Carwash Association, the latest insights from Freeman’s research group, best practices and recent developments in digital marketing, facilitated peer-to-peer roundtable discussions and a networking lunch.

Attendance is by invitation only, limited to executive-level (VP and above) professionals from associations or organizations that own, produce, and/or manage live events. Registration is complimentary, but space is limited. Reserve your place by Tuesday, March 1. Please fill out the form below to reserve your spot.


Name, title and organization should be written as you want them to appear on your nametag.


