mdg Celebrates Small Business Saturday

Association and event marketing agency mdg participated in Small Business Saturday by reimbursing a portion of what its employees spent at small businesses on November 26, 2022. mdg team members were encouraged to patronize independent retailers, restaurants and service organizations that aligned with the industries served by agency clients.

“This is a long-standing tradition at mdg, and it has taken on a new level of significance as small businesses continue to deal with labor shortages, inflation and supply chain issues,” says president Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes. “We hope that our actions on Small Business Saturday will bring attention to the importance of supporting independently owned restaurants and retailers who are building their way back post-pandemic.”

Started by American Express in 2010 and co-sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration, Small Business Saturday is the day between Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It continues to provide small business owners across the country with a big economic boost during the holiday shopping season. In 2011, the U.S. Senate officially recognized Small Business Saturday, unanimously passing a resolution in support of the day. It’s estimated that in 2021, consumers spent over $20 billion on Small Business Saturday, with two-thirds of every dollar spent staying in the local community.

Considering all that has happened to retailers during the pandemic, mdg is proud to continue this agency tradition and support members of the communities in which we live and work. “We have a diverse, big-hearted group of employees who believe that shopping small can provide big economic benefits,” says Jacquelyn Wells, mdg senior vice president. “There’s no better time to come together for causes we all support.”