SISO + mdg Collaborate to Create Original Content

The Society of Independent Event Organizers (SISO) has launched several new programs in the wake of COVID-19, two in collaboration with mdg. “When the pandemic hit, we worked with SISO leadership to develop a couple of new content offerings that would provide advice and guidance to its members in relation to change management,” said mdg Chief Marketing Strategist Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes.

New content offerings included “Turning Point: An Interview Series,” which featured prominent leaders in the trade show space discussing ways they’ve applied lessons from past crises to the current one, their approach to scenario planning, people management and staying physically and mentally healthy through the upheaval.

Hardcastle-Geddes said mdg also created a six-week CEO roundtable series called “The Six Dimensions of Live in the New World,” hosted by Bruce Mau, Freeman’s Chief Design Officer, “that’s helping SISO executives visualize, plan and prepare for the future of live events.”

Videos of select speaker presentations are now available to the mdg community, including:

LIVE is now. Time is the currency of live experiences.
Speaker: Bruce Mau – Chief Design Officer, Freeman

LIVE is tribal. We define who we are by who we hang with.
Speaker: Sherry Huss – Co-Creator, Maker Faire

LIVE is changing. The future of engagement is about connecting live and digital.
Speaker: Itamar Kubovy – Founder, the Five Senses Festival

Read the full story here.