Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes, president and chief marketing strategist of mdg, was chosen to present at the Exhibit Sales Roundtable. Registration can be found on the Lippman Connects website and session details are below.
Thursday, September 28
8:00am – 4:00pm ET
Virginia Tech Executive Briefing Center
Arlington, VA
Anticipating and Exceeding Exhibitor Expectations
Recent data shows that the gap between exhibitor expectations and satisfaction levels are widening. To close this gap, event sales professionals must first understand what’s driving the unprecedented shifts in customer expectations and then proactively adapt their approach. Join us at ESR as we discuss the latest industry research and corresponding actions for navigating the changing nature of exhibitor and sponsor sales.
Kimberly Hardcastle
Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes is president of mdg, A Freeman Company. Focused on event marketing and attendee and exhibitor acquisition, mdg brings together strategists, data and digital specialists, engagement experts, international marketers and a robust creative team to provide complete solutions that help clients achieve their objectives. Kimberly is a CEM faculty member, a Krakoff Leadership Institute alumna, a columnist for PCMA’s Convene magazine, a presenter of industry seminars on strategic planning and, most importantly, an integral collaborator for several prominent event clients across the country.