Public Relations and Communications

Archive by year

Do You Speak Attendee?


Success Starts Here! Content is king! Keep calm and …     

Are your eyes glazing over yet?     

Jargon is pervasive in marketing — and event marketing is no exception. Usually, you know it when ...Read More

The End of Blah, Blah, Blah

Millennials: that group born after 1980 and the first generation to come of age in the new millennium. They’re also the group that is most skeptical of traditional marketing messaging. ...Read More

Don’t Write Off the Press Release

OK, so maybe business editors at the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post aren’t sitting around waiting for news about your annual event or association, but that doesn’t mean ...Read More

Using Infographics to Tell Your Story

As a marketing professional, your job is to make sure that important news about your association or event breaks through clutter, gets noticed and gets read. With the average American ...Read More

Storytelling is the Way of the Future

If you’re like me, some of your fondest childhood memories involve the nightly bedtime story ritual. And it’s likely that you still remember your favorites — those that got your ...Read More
