Shauna Peters, vice president and marketing strategist at mdg, was a featured speaker for ASAE’s Marketing, Membership and Communications Conference. Session details are below and the event summary and 2023 ...Read More
News: April 2022
mdg account strategist Ingrid Thorson, director of content Christine Johnson and managing director Vincent Polito led a workshop at Freeman Inside LIVE! on May 19. Session details are below.
Bridging the ...Read More
The rush back to in-person events is made more challenging by staffing shortages, changing circumstances, executive scrutiny and the need to make timely decisions despite many variables and uncertainties. David ...Read More
mdg president and chief marketing strategist Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes has had her ear to the ground during the first quarter of this year. Read about the advice and insights she aggregated ...Read More
Event marketers are always looking for effective means to reach prospective attendees; but not all event marketers have hundreds of thousands of dollars to spend on their acquisition campaigns. The ...Read More
Your website is at the core of your attendee acquisition campaign, but does it have what it takes to attract event prospects? PCMA Convene featured advice from ...Read More
Jacquelyn Wells, senior vice president at mdg, will lead an IAEE webinar on April 20.
The New Rules for Marketing Events
Over the last two years, our world has changed in significant, ...Read More